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In 2019 I took more photos documenting my life than I ever have before. Whether it was my professional camera, my daily carry camera and even my phone I’ve taken thousands of photos, but I barely shared anything on social media. To be honest I was tired of sharing things I was excited about and getting caught up in seeing how many people liked my photos or if my photos were “trendy” enough to get me more internet points. 

2020 has been a different year so far, I’ve continued to take so many photos but I truly feel like I’m creating some of the best images I’ve ever created. For the first time in a very long time, I’m excited and proud to share them. On Instagram, I tend to only share maybe 4-5 images but I take so many more photos I’m stoked on and I want to share them. When I went to Puerto Rico for a week in November I took over 300 images and shared only 2 on social media. After showing more photos to a few friends and family I was encouraged to share them but never did for bunch of reasons. Hence the blog. I want this to be an outlet where I can keep people up to date on what personal projects I’m working on, the work I’ve done recently, places I traveled, and a lot of photos of coffee shops. More importantly, I want this to be a place where I can share things and not worry about likes but worry about the heart behind it and sharing work I’m proud of with people who are interested.


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